Endurance uses only the most durable, highly engineered cable specific to oil and gas applications, manufactured in the U.S. We won’t sacrifice the highly engineered requirements of cable materials to cut corners. Multiple sizes and ratings are available for deployment.
Cable selection is an important factor in overall ESP run life. By working with our application specialists, we’ll help you understand the armor, insulation and conductor materials necessary for your conventional or unconventional wells. Temperature, high downhole pressures and significant gas production must also be analyzed to properly select your ESP power cable. Additional tools and accessories are available to protect cable in deviated and corrosive environments.
Our highly innovative cable shop features proprietary safety equipment developed in-house to protect employees and customers alike. Customers also experience more efficient wellsite spooling service as a result of our newly redesigned spooling trailers. These differentiated service assets enable our team to work safer, while saving you time and money in the shop and field.