Partners in Solving Production Challenges

Innovative ESP Technology For The Life of the Well – Part 1

By Adam Buehler

Note: This is the first of two blogs detailing Endurance Lift’s innovative approach to ESP. See the second part here

Technology is the key driver for higher production, operating efficiency, and reliability. This fact is particularly true in ESP operations, where high temperature, corrosive conditions, gas, sand, and paraffin represent an ongoing challenge to equipment life and reliable operations.

Endurance Lift continues to emphasize innovative thinking and advanced technology to meet the challenge of providing ESPs that deliver longer life and more reliable operation, even in the harshest downhole environments.

Solving Gas Interference Problems

An example of the benefits of Endurance Lift’s innovative ESP technology is found in the Delaware Basin of the Permian. There, an operator was experiencing significant problems due to gas interference and motor temperature, both of which contributed to the shutdown of ESP systems. To remedy this issue, Endurance Lift employed its new Genesis™ Advanced Gas Handling System to “supercharge” the fluids before they entered the gas separators. This action enabled the gas separators to operate more efficiently, solving the two issues of gas interference and motor temperature.

Since the Genesis™ Advanced Gas Handling System was brought online, the well has been trouble-free, and the operator has been able to draw the well down 60psi PIP further than before, allowing the production of more gas and total fluids. See the details concerning the Genesis™ System solving the problem of gas interference.

Solving Increasing Gas Volumes in ESP-Assisted Declining Wells

A large operator in the Bakken had declining ESP-assisted wells with low intake pressures and increasing gas volumes (up to 92% Gas Void Fraction), resulting in severe gas interference, short runs, and production losses. In addition, the operator was looking to avoid the production losses associated with prematurely converting the wells to rod lift.

Utilizing Endurance Lift’s Genesis™ Advanced Gas Handling System, the operator achieved 92% gas separation efficiency, producing the well at 100 psi lower. The improved drawdown has led to increased fluid production of ~61.4 barrels a day or 19.6 bopd at a 32% oil cut. At current market prices, employing the Genesis system has created a net revenue gain of over $42K/month. Learn more about how the Genesis™ System solved the problem of increasing gas volume in these declining wells.

Solving High Gas-To-Oil Ratios

An operator in the Bakken was dealing with ESP run life numbers in the 6-month range due to the high gas-to-fluids ratio encountered in the field. To mitigate this situation, Endurance Lift installed its Genesis™ Advanced Gas Handling System. Despite an extremely high gas-to-fluid ratio and gas rates, the Genesis™ System has consistently delivered a smooth drawdown with no gas-related downtime. Learn more about the performance of the Genesis™ System in solving the issue of high gas-to-fluid conditions in the Bakken.

How Can Advanced Endurance Lift Technology Help Your ESP Operation?

At Endurance Lift, we welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you to create innovative solutions to your EPS challenges. For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or contact Garrett Burbank at 307-250-5870.

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