Specialty Pumps
Customized Solutions for Your Specific Well Conditions

Your unique well conditions may demand a more innovative or cost-efficient solution than standard API sucker rod pumps can deliver. For those applications, Endurance customizes pump solutions leveraging a range of specialized knowledge and equipment.

We offer a selection of insert, tubing and oversize pumps tailored to your specific requirements. Additionally, Endurance is the exclusive U.S. provider of the Raise Production HARP™ (High Angle Reciprocating Pump).

Hollow Tube Two-Stage Pumps

Redesigned High Flow two-stage HVR pump designed for tubing dimensions with thin wall barrel for use in shallow-depth wells


Redesigned High Flow two-stage HVR pump designed for tubing dimensions with heavy wall box thread barrel for use in deeper wells


Redesigned High Flow two-stage HVR pump designed for tubing dimensions with heavy wall pin thread barrel and extension and stroke through configurations for use in deeper wells

Large Flow Capacity Pumps

Designed for large flow capacities


Designed for large flow capacities; prevents gas lock

Specialty Pumps
Endurance Mercury Pump

Designed for dealing with solids such as trash and sand. Can be built with a variety of metallurgy types. Can be built in varying styles, including: tubing, traveling barrel and stationary barrel. View the product sheets.

Endurance Optimizer Pump

Designed to deal with gas interference. Can be built in varying styles. View the product sheet.

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Start maximizing your production with Endurance artificial lift solutions.

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Technology Spotlight

Our fiberglass sucker rods boast unmatched strength

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Extend Run Life Exponentially with Blaze

Many components are available with our exclusive BLAZE® metal treatment for superior durability.

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Blaze Treated artificial lift equipment
Capillary Services to Enhance Your Lift Solution

Our capillary services improve your well productivity and downhole equipment run life.

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Get Smarter. Produce More.

Ask about our complimentary training tailored to meet your needs.

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Need help finding the right component?

Let us guide you through our extensive inventory.

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